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Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, the Province of Fryslân, and the Municipality of Leeuwarden, resulted in the planting of 3000 trees in Beekdal De Linde

Cycling for a Greener Future: WSRS Plants 3000 Trees

Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, the Province of Fryslân, and the Municipality of Leeuwarden, resulted in the planting of 3000 trees in Beekdal De Linde
2 minutes

In a novel effort to promote sustainable mobility and reduce carbon emissions, Werk Slim, Reis Slim (WSRS) has successfully concluded its 'Smart Cyclists Score Trees' campaign.

On March 24, 2023, the program, initiated by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, the Province of Fryslân, and the Municipality of Leeuwarden, resulted in the planting of 3000 trees in Beekdal De Linde.

The campaign rallied employees from the municipalities of Waadhoeke, Leeuwarden, Smallingerland, and Súdwest-Fryslân, along with the province of Fryslân, to shift from motorized commute to cycling. With more than 200 participants, the initiative ran for 100 working days.

The campaign employed a unique approach to encourage cycling. A specially designed app tracked the kilometers each participant cycled to work. These kilometers were then converted into points, which translated into trees. This initiative even extended to participants of the Winter Cycling 11 Cities Tour, who also contributed to the tree tally.

Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, the Province of Fryslân, and the Municipality of Leeuwarden planting 3000 trees in Beekdal De Linde.

The municipalities of Smallingerland, Waadhoeke, and Súdwest-Fryslân generously donated the 3000 trees

The planting day saw the addition of 3000 hawthorn trees in Beekdal De Linde. These trees not only serve to absorb CO2 from the environment but also provide a habitat for local wildlife. Serving as a shelter, food source, and nesting place, these trees also act as a connecting corridor to other nature areas.

The success of the 'Smart Cyclists Score Trees' campaign goes beyond the tangible results of tree planting. It has fostered a sense of community among the participants, promoted healthier lifestyles, and contributed to the broader goals of environmental sustainability and climate action.

Due to the positive response and success of the campaign, a new 'Smart Cyclists Score Trees' action is set to launch in June. WSRS is extending an invitation to Frisian companies with more than 100 employees to participate in this sustainable initiative.

For more information on this initiative and the Leeuwarden's Active Cities pilot, visit here.

The 'Smart Cyclists Score Trees' campaign is a testament to the power of collective effort towards a sustainable future. It's not just about planting trees, but about promoting a culture of sustainable living and active mobility. Because every kilometer cycled brings us one step closer to a greener, healthier world.