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policy event picture of 'Gemaal de Waterwolf'

How effective is 'Water & soil' as a guiding principle for climate-change policy

Current policy in The Netherlands is guided by a ‘Water & Soil’ approach in relation to climate adaptation. But how effective is this and what challenges does this pose? That is the theme of our next Blue Transition knowledge exchange event

Date: 19/03/2024 1:30pm - 5:30pm
Location: Provinciehuis Drenthe, Assen
policy event picture of 'Gemaal de Waterwolf'

The effects of climate change transcend all aspects of the spatial environment, impacting and influencing all sectors. It is clear that integrated solutions and clear strategies are needed.

  • How effective is Water & Soil as a guiding principal in face of the challenges we are increasingly confronted with across the North Sea Region?
  • How do we implement potential solutions and what is the role of national and regional governments?
  • What are the responsibilities for collectives, businesses, individuals and how are these supported?

Together with Blue Transition partners, climate experts, politicians and stakeholder representatives, we aim to gain more insight into the steps required to take the giant leap needed for future climate-resilient systems.



Policy Event

Chairman: Marcel Bril (Province of Drenthe)


Impact climate change

Tim van Hattum – climate change expert Wagening University and author of 'Only Planet Climate Guide for the 21st Century' 


Water and soil as drivers for land use change

Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (TBC)


Interreg project Blue Transition

Mike-Petke Muller (LIAG)


Coffee Break

In groups: Inventory of questions for the panel discussion.


Panel discussion

  • Willemien Meeuwissen (Member of the Provincial Executive Board of Drenthe)
  • Member of Executive Board Water Authority Hunze en Aa’s
  • Member of Executive Board Water Authority Noorderzijlvest
  • Representative Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (TBC)
  • Roy Meijer (Chairman of the Dutch Agricultural Youth Association)
  • Tim van Hattum – Climate change expert


Wrap up


Reception: Drinks & bites




The Province of Drenthe, Waterboard Hunze & Aa’s and Waterboard Noorderzijlvest are delighted to invite you to our beautiful region in the north of The Netherlands.

Please register before 8 March