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Clancy team visiting trap near Antwerp


Date: 24/05/2023 12:00am - 25/05/2023 11:59pm
Location: Antwerpen, Belgium
Clancy team visiting trap near Antwerp

The Chinese Mitten Crab (Eriocheir sinensis) is an invasive species spread over the entire North Sea Region. It poses a threat to aquatic biodiversity and can affect the structure of coastal and inland water bodies by altering hydro-morphodynamic properties and aquatic vegetation. From 24th-25th of May we gathered our consortium in Antwerp for the kick-off meeting. We discussed the first steps of our ambitious monitoring program to substantially increase the knowledge on the crabs behaviour, lifecycle and spread. Over the course of the next year we will set up multiple traps at different locations throughout France, Belgium, Germany and Sweden. All with the goal to deduct proper management practices for this alien species that can be applied across different habitats throughout Europe.