REMARCO partner investigated microbial communities around war wrecks and dumping sites in the German Bight
REMARCO partner VLIZ was invited to join RV Heincke cruise into the German Bight. During the cruise sediment samples were taken according to transects at the WWI wreck of the Light Cruiser SMS Ariadne and the WWII wreck of the Barrier Breaker Vigo. Sediment samples will be investigated by VLIZ researcher for bacteria able to degrade TNT and thereby acting as an indicator species for the presence of this pollution. In addition samples from the dumping sites for conventional munition at an area north of Spiekeroog, west of Sylt and at a reference site.
Cover: © Klara Liebrecht, AWI 2024. All rights reserved.
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Van Veen grab sampler for sediment © KLiebrecht/ AWI