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Ragheno Site in Mechelen

Large scale pilot - Mechelen, Belgium

Mechelen is the 5 biggest city in Flanders with a population of 87.000 inhabitants. The city is located in the region Rivierenland (‘Land of Rivers’). Mechelen is one of the frontrunner cities in Flanders with a local sustainable heat strategy. It has screened the potential of renewable heat sources including geothermal and aquathermal energy. As a next step, it wants to set-up a local supporting (policy) framework to unlock the development of heat projects with aquathermal energy. Mechelen is the only local authority that is currently involved in a Flemish policy working group led by VWW (Flemish Waterways). Lastly but equally important, Mechelen has a a promising local energy cooperative Klimaan emerging in recent years, enabling citizens to participate and invest in local renewable energy projects.

Next to the large scale implementation site in Mechelen, there will also be a smaller pilot in the city.

Ragheno Site in Mechelen