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Dr. Ina Körner of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)  is projectleader of CLOSECYCLE.

TUHH provides basic and applied research competences in bioresource management: bioresource inventories, material flow management, source-separated collection. TUHH brings in also knowledge about nitrogen dynamics, biodegration of bioplastics, microplastics and the modelling of bioconversion processes. 

Location: Hamburg, Germany

Contact: Ina Körner,

Proefstation Groenteteelt

PSKW, The Research Centre for vegetables, is a vegetable growers organisation that aims to create a link between the fundamental scientific research carried out at the universities and the growers. Main topics of research are strongly related to sustainability and the reduction of environmental impact (research in fertilisation on N&P, soil improvement, crop protection). 

Location: Katelijne Waver, Belgium

Contact: Joris de Nies,


Vlaco vzw (1992) is a membership organisation (Flemish government and the private waste treatment companies). We are loking after the interests of the sector and support the sustainable material cycle of biowaste. We emphasize the quality of recycling biowaste. Vlaco is a member of ECN and supports an ECN Quality Assurance Scheme. Vlaco has wide knowledge to the availability, the use, and benefits of compost.

Vlaco is in direct contact (several visits a year) with more than 80 members who compost or digest.

Location: Mechelen, Belgium

Contact: Elke Vandaele,


Natuurpunt Beheer vsz is a NGO with 105.000 private families as members. It is the largest private nature conservation and management organisation in Flanders. Its core business is the management of 26.000 hectares of nature. Within Close Cycle developing the necessary local networks and logistics is an important issue for the organisation. Together with research stations NP works on overcoming current policy bottlenecks that prevent effective valorisation. 

Location: Belgium

Contact: Naomi Breine, 



EV-ILVO/ILVO (ILVO) owns a BELAC accredited lab (EN ISO/IEC 17025) for the determination of chemical properties of mineral soils, compost and substrates. We run well-documented field trials with compost application. The experimental farm is equipped with a full-scale open air compost site and dedicated equipment for on-farm composting. We have expertise with disease suppressive substrates as an IPM (Integrated Pest Management) strategy. ILVO organizes several dissemination events and publishes videos about their research. Within CloseCycle the plant unit of ILVO is involved with specific experience in composting, bio-innovative fertilizers, crop and animal husbandry, soil management and soil health. 

ILVO will develop process cascades for transfer of non-agricultural residues such as wooded edges, road and water sides and residues from nature and forestry to selected processes and products towards application in agriculture. 

Location: Merelbeke, Belgium

Contact: Fien Amery,


Delphy, the Netherlands, is an organisation with more than 200 employees in different countries with a specialization for advice in plant material. 

Delphy will perform tests with diverse local residue based products in horticultural crops, including potted plants. It will develop a local network involving nursery growers from Greenport Boskoop, the municipality of Alphen aan de Rijn and companies in various sectors.Delphy will also facilitate knowledge transfer to growers. 

Delphy and Hessel Marketing & Communication are working together in the overall communication of the project. They coordinate and develop communication tools and concepts which the different beneficiaries can use. 

Location: the Netherlands

Contact: Rene van Tol,

Communication: Esther Hessel, 

Smeets Agroconsultancy

Smeets Agroconsultancy is a consultancy buro, specialized in soil improvement on nurseries. In CLOSECYCLE the company will evaluate the use of residual based streams in soil improvement. The company will be one of the companies establishing a network. This network will be developed in the province of Flevoland. Residual wastestreams suitable for fruit treenurseries are combined and tested in the tree nurseries. Potential wastestreams are leaves from public space, vegetable waste and grass.  

Location: the Netherlands

Contact: Hans Smeets, 


Hortiadvice is a leading adviser for growers of vegetables, fruit and berries, for nurseries and green house production. In Denmark: 80 hardy stock nurseries, 200 vegetable growers.  There is experience with the cultivation of nursery plants, vegetables and the production of compost.

HortiAdvice will play an important role in raising awareness regarding utilization of compost in plant-soil systems, incuding functions as fertilizer, soil enhancer, compost tea. It will assess composting processes specifically regarding environmental implications and undertake chracterization and categorisation of various compost types. HortiAdvice wil share the knowledge by meetings and newsletters.

Location: Denmark

Contact: Julie Schou Christiansen,

Aarhus University

AU-FOOD is part of Aarhus University and conducts research, development and policy advice on topics from plant primary production to food quality. AU-FOOD is leading in Denmark in horticultural research. CloseCycle's thema of waste recycling for soil improvement and plant production is link to the research strategy of Aarhus University focussed on plants, food and environment. Arhus University will conduct trials for testing effects of new residue based products gained from anaerobic digestion products. Focus will be on determinating the nitrogen use efficiency, carbon sequestration and vegetable product quality.

Location: Denmark

Contact: Hanne Lakkenborg Kristensen, 


INRAE is the National Research Institute for Agriculture in France. Within CLOSECYCLE the institute is active with two research units. They have scientific competenses in the circular valorisation of organic waste and residues and have the equipment and skills in bioresource characterisation, process development and optimization:

  • Opaale: for composting and anearobic digestion and
  • BIA: polyphenolic compounds from agro-industry 

Within Opaale there is also extensive experience with value-chain modelling en decision support systems. 

Location: Rennes, France

Contact: Pierre Thiriet,

Contact: Anne Tremier,


The Naturbruksförvaltningen (NBF) is a regional authority on nature resource management with expertise in the bioeconomy sector. Projects focus on small scale biogas production, biorefineries (extraction of proteins from grass for animal feed and fibers). It also runs upper secondary and higher vocational schools. 

Within CloseCycle NBF will test the digital tools and contribute input on biogas and green biorefineries. 

Location: Sweden

Contact: Marina-Adelina Stuparu,

Hamburg University

Hamburg University contributes in CLOSECYCLE by its expertise in the utilisation of lignocellulosic bioresources and residues for the production of pulp, paper, packaging and fiber-based products. Extensive experience exists in analyzig synthetic additives and polymers. This exoerise is used to analyse impurities and contaminants in CLOSECYCLE.

Location: Germany

Contact: Bodo Saake, 


In CLOSECYCLE Viaverda (previously PCS, but now Viaverda because of the merge between PCS, PCA and PCG) is an ornamental horticulture test centre. It is a practice oriented research institute in Flanders. Viaverda has the experience and facilities to carry out applied scientific and practical research on various aspects of sustainable horticulture. 

Location: Belgium (Flanders)

Contact: Hanne Denaeghel,



The Institut Francais des productions Cidricoles (IFPC) is a French institute for applied research in the cider sector. The institute is fully dedicated to the whole cider sector chain; from apple tree growing to cider production and processing of other products. The IFPC will supply different cider co-products for characterisation by INRAE. One of the showcases within CLOSECYCLE is about using and testing these by-products. For example using the pectine in industry. 

Location: France

Contact: Remi Baudin,



We-Build.City (WBC) builds digital bridges. It has developed expertise in digitilisation with open data and open source software in interdisciplinary research and media projects. The focus is to connect different type of actors and stakeholders. It is developing an open source software called "Hedge manager" to document, analyse and organise hedges on a large scale of more than 1000 km aiming in healthy ecosystem of hedgerows for wildlife and flora. With partners from the local authorities, i.e. Landkreis Marburg-Biedenkopf, WBC brings together various stakeholders from the public administration, as well as farmers, recycling centers, energy co-operatives, hunting associations, environmental protection organisations and independent contractors from the agricultural sector. 

Location: Germany

Contactperson: Timo Lundelius,


Gräflich Bernstorff’sche Betriebe

GBB is an agricultural and forestry enterprise with organic livestock and arable farming. It carries out composting with materials from its own farm (livestock manure) and external feedstock’s (green wastes) and produces about 3000 - 4000 tonnes of compost per year. Experience is available in applying compost to different crops such as cereals and legumes and in assessing crop yields. In addition, a biogas facility is available and experiences exist regarding overcoming of barriers to establish new techniques. The experience of GBB in composting, anaerobic digestion, and its product application provides valuable expertise in sustainable bioresource management.

Location: Germany

Contact: Carl-Philipp Dicke-Wentrup,

Greenport Boskoop

Greenport Boskoop (GPRB) is a regional authority in the Boskoop region. It has a lot of experience in advocacy in the region and therefore many contacts with growers, suppliers, governments and the Water Board. There is a lot of knowledge available about the area and the organisational backgroundsGPRB will contribute mainly in WP3 with valuable expertise in connecting regional parties and provide their extensive knowledge and contacts in the pilot region of Boskoop (WP3). Additionally, GPRB will assist in ensuring the lawful application of methods and facilitate consultations between governments and industry.

Contact: Rene van Tol,
