About us
The city of Louvigné du Désert is a French rural municipality located in the North East of the Department of Ille et Vilaine in Brittany.
For the past 10 years, the city has been implementing a proactive Revitalization Policy in order to increase its attractiveness and dynamism. The creation of the Hub is an active part of the Revitalization Strategy of the City. In fact, it fulfils a double objective:
- the first one is connected to the building in which the Hub will be located. Following the withdrawal of the physicians from the building they were occupying, the municipality purchased the building in an attempt to counteract the vacancy in the town centre
- the second objective is to develop in this building an innovation centre where citizens, organisations, and businesses can access the facilities they need to successfully carry out their projects without having to move to the closest metropolitan district.
Louivigné Hub PIlot Case: Tackle the brain drain
The hub will offer the same opportunities as in urban areas in order to tackle the brain drain. The hub's program will been jointly designed with all of the city's stakeholders and consequently with its future end users. It will be an open space, strongly focussed on digital skills, encouraging innovation and the emergence of entrepreneurship.
The hub will open in spring 2024
Setting: Rural area in the Ille-et-Vilaine department in Brittany in northwestern France. Located on the Cadomian chain.
Main regional business: The exploitation of granite. Manufacturing.
Challenges in focus: Lacking academic support. Issues with engaging young citizens. Boost the economy of the rural areas. Support the ecological transition of the territories and limit the urban sprawl. Encouraging innovation and the emergence of entrepreneurship.