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Læsø Tourist & Business Association

Hub Pilot

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Læsø Hub Pilot Case: Læsø Tourist and Business Association

Læsø Tourist and Business Association (LTE) is a member-driven organization covering the municipality of Læsø. 

Læsø is the municipality in Denmark with the highest amount of registered small businesses by population, and our association embraces 130 of these small businesses on the island. 

Læsø Tourist and Business Association represents businesses across all industries at Læsø, including public and private companies, attractions, and cultural organizations. We offer our services in close cooperation with the municipality on Læsø, joining our efforts to strengthen the local human capital, develop sustainable businesses and brand Læsø externally to attract non-local customers to our businesses.  



Jens Rulle and Louise Aagaard

The Association runs an office which offers business consulting, advice and support to the development of businesses and entrepreneurship at Læsø. The office also initiates and coordinates activities, workshops, and networking events for the members of the association to strengthen their collaboration and toolbox of knowledge.

The purpose of the association is to support, develop and enhance the business development at Læsø with a focus on innovation, growth, and employment. In doing so, Læsø Tourist and Business Association functions as a hub at Læsø with our strong collaboration with Læsø Municipality, the members of our association and several networking partners in the region.

- Jens Rulle

Læsø Tourist and Business Association is present in several partnerships and networks within regional business development, tourist destination development and other related public and private networks and partnerships. This way, we act as the representative and spokesperson for the businesses at Læsø and as messengers of new information and development.

For the future, we see great opportunities and means to mobilize the local population, as well as supplement them with external competencies, which is an invaluable asset and a profound necessity to ensure sustainable, innovative, and resilient development.

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Setting: The largest island in the North Sea Bay of Kattegat (Denmark).

Main regional business: Fishing crayfish. Tourism.

Challenges in focus: Limited workforce. Environmental challenges e.g. dependent on weather, location of the island makes it more isolated. Housing problems. Enhance the business development at Læsø with a focus on innovation, growth, and employment in the rural area.

Interview at the SIRR Kick Off, Sotenäs, February 2023