Please note: All available funds have been allocated in calls 1-4. However, additional calls may happen based on on re-allocation of unspent funds. We will announce any future calls here and in our news.
In the VIB (2021-2027) Interreg North Sea Programme, the total budget set aside for project co-financing is €158 million, including funding by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Norwegian funds.
Partners based in the programme's six EU member states are eligible for ERDF co-financing whereas Norwegian partners are supported by Norwegian funding.

Co-funding rates
The ERDF co-funding rate is 60%, while the Norwegian co-funding rate is 50%.

Allocations in calls 1-4
In the first four calls for applications, our Monitoring Committee decided to support 65 projects including11 small-scale projects and 54 regular projects. The figure shows the distribution of projects per priority and type of project (regular/small-scale).
All available European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funds are now allocated. Any future calls for applications will depend on decisions made by our Monitoring Committee to re-allocate unspent funds. To stay abreast of future calls, please keep an eye on this page or subscribe to our newsletter.
Top image: ©Srongkrod via Canva.com