The Interreg North Sea Programme operates with two types of project: Small-scale and regular. We will allocate funding to a maximum of 40 small-scale projects in the 2021-2027 period.

Make your choice
The right choice of project category depends on the purpose and scope of your idea.
Compared to regular projects, small-scale projects have a lower budget, a shorter duration, and a smaller partnership. They also imply simplified cost options and less paperwork.
You apply for small-scale projects in a single step, as opposed to the two-step procedure put in place for regular projects. The road to approval is therefore faster.
Please note: The scope indicated in the figure is mandatory for small-scale projects but only indicative for regular projects.
Universal requirements
The following conditions apply to all projects regardless of category:
- All projects must involve partners from minimum three North Sea Region countries.
- All projects must aim to reach tangible results within their lifetime.