Are you part of an Interreg North Sea project? Then we recommend you to check out upcoming European events and plan your participation this year.
Looking to network, learn about new trends or spread the word about your project? Participating in European events on the topics of your interest is a great way to do all of this.
Here is a rundown of some key events that you may want to join in 2024.
Please make sure to check all the registration and application deadlines for events of your interest. Some deadlines are fast approaching.
2-5 April: Connecting Europe
This large annual mobility event takes place in Brussels and will focus on the EU Green Deal and the EU Sustainable and Smart Sustainable Mobility Strategy.
EU-funded projects can apply to join an exhibition. Learn more
29-30 May: EU Green Week
Is your project focused on water management? Then this top European event is for you. The main theme in 2024 is water resilience.
The EU Green Week takes place in Brussels. Registration will open in April. Meanwhile, you can apply to host a partner event during the period 29 May - 1 September.
30-31 May: European Maritime Day
The European Maritime Day (EMD) is the go-to event if your project is focused on the North Sea. This year's event takes place in Svendborg, Denmark.
You can apply to join an exhibition showcasing EU-funded projects. Alternatively, you can set up an "EMD in my country" event during the period 1 April – 31 October 2024.
11-13 June: EU Sustainable Energy Week
If your project is linked to the green energy transition, consider how you can participate in Europe's leading event for the green energy transition. Taking place in Brussels in hybrid format, the EUSEW offers plenty of opportunities for active participation:
Host a policy session, compete for the EUSEW Awards, join the Energy Fair, or why not organise a local Sustainable Energy Day in the period March-June.
Other upcoming events in 2024
Some key events happening later in 2024 are yet to be announced/opened and are worthwhile keeping track of. For example, the European Week of Regions and Cities, the Regiostars Awards, the European Mobility Week and the Interreg Project Slam organised by Interact.
Beyond Europe, global events such as the Climate COP 29 might be on your radar for your digital communication.
Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. We encourage you to explore all the options and plan your presence where it provides the most value for you and your project.
Tip: If you are planning to participate actively in European events with your North Sea project, make sure to tag us on social media. We will happily help spread the word.
See you around Europe!
Top image: Everydayplus/Getty Images via Canva.com