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Cool Cities Network

Project description

Climate change is persistent. Parts of cities with high building density with a lot of pavement and little green space will warm up more strongly during heat waves. This is a growing burden especially for our most vulnerable population groups (the elderly, the disabled, the chronically ill), because the number of heat waves/tropical days per year will continue to increase due to climate change. We want to set up a NSR 'Cool Cities Network' of climate active cities, supported by knowledge institutions, aiming at realizing a network of cool spots and shaded roots throughout cities. Within the project we want to address:

  • what do we mean by ‘cool network’ and what purpose does it serve.
  • what measures (including cost efficiency and effectiveness) can realize a cool network. In doing so, we look specifically at the 'usability' of the 'cool network' for the target group.
  • with what local or regional partners will we realize the cool network? How do we involve the target group (vulnerable residents) in the design and realization?
  • what does it cost to build and manage a 'cool network' and how can we use other city objectives in financing the network?

Confirmed partners

Yes we have interested partners from the Netherlands (municipalities and University of Applied Science) and France (municipality)

Partners we are looking for

We are looking for partners from Denmark, Sweden and Germany, most specific municipalities and knowledge institutions.