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Towards Autonomous & Digitized Freight Railway Transport

Project description

The project aims to bring high level knowledge and to develop innovative solutions enbaling stakeholder and policy makers to encourage Autonomous and Connected Intermodal transport networks for freight transportation in Europe and more specificaly in the north sea region. The development of smart perception devices for Scenes and Rail Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) is an important issue identified by the European Union in its Strategic Agenda for Research and Innovation in Transportation (STRIA). The proposed project is part of the answer to this challenge by proposing the use of Explainable Multitask Deep Learning approaches for perception applications in the context of Railway Safety/Energy Efficiency for Smart Mobility.

The project aims also to develop another technological solution based on Blockchain technology to enable the digitization of railway operations of maintenance. The Blockchain offer an interesting potentiel to make this operations more safe and more resilent. The project aims to develop a platform based on Blockchain technology allowing a shared governance between operators, service providers, allowing more information transparency and high level safety in freight railway operations.

Confirmed partners


Partners we are looking for

  • Academic partners
  • Universities
  • Railway companies
  • Start-up
  • Countries: BE, NL