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Project data

This table is an extract from the complete list of operations.

Call Priority Specific objective Acronym Summary Lead partner Start - End Total budget ERDF funding Norway funding
Call 4C (FA) Priority 1


DigiH4A Digital Health for All [FA] Innovation Skåne AB - 4.246.412€ 2.427.976€ 99.892€
Call 4C (FA) Priority 1


BRAVE Business Readiness Acceleration for innoVative regional Energy ecosystems [FA] Gemeente Rotterdam - 4.551.064€ 2.593.623€ 114.180€
Call 1C (FA) Priority 1


SIRR Sustainability, Innovation and Resilience in Rural areas Sotenäs kommun - 5.659.453€ 3.395.671€ 0€
Call 4C (FA) Priority 1


DISCO Digital solutions for climate adaptation [FA] Gemeente Zwolle - 5.088.226€ 3.052.936€ 0€
Call 4C (FA) Priority 1


Digital Kiosks Innovative public-private-people partnerships to implement new infrastructure (digital kiosks) for the Sharing Economy of Goods Ville de Saint-Quentin - 3.655.094€ 2.015.114€ 148.285€
Call 4C (FA) Priority 1


H2ignite Igniting H2 Transport Innovation Ecosystems in the North Sea Region Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, ländliche Räume, Europa und Verbraucherschutz - 2.935.895€ 1.761.538€ 0€
Call 4C (FA) Priority 1


CircleBIM Public Sector Innovation with BIM for a more circular construction sector [FA] (4C) HafenCity Universität Hamburg - 4.560.924€ 2.685.555€ 42.500€
Call 2B (SSP) Priority 1


SUPER Succesful User Participation Examples and Recommendations in Digital Mental health GGz Centraal - 400.000€ 240.000€ 0€
Call 4C (FA) Priority 1


SSCH Super Smart Charging Hubs [FA] Provincie Zeeland - 4.082.671€ 2.449.604€ 0€
Call 3C (FA) Priority 1


STORM_SAFE Software reliability for critical infrastructures: Co-Development, Implementation and wider application of solutions in Pilot Infrastructures such as Storm Surge Barriers [FA] Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat Rijkswaterstaat - 7.409.302€ 4.445.580€ 0€
Call 1C (FA) Priority 1


ACE Accelerating the Home Care Innovation Ecosystem of the Future in the North Sea Region RISE Research Institutes of Sweden - 4.361.215€ 2.616.729€ 0€
Call 1C (FA) Priority 1


CR Connected River Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat - 5.048.192€ 3.028.915€ 0€
Call 1C (FA) Priority 1


D4A Data for All. Data-driven Public Service Delivery in the North Sea Region Intercommunale Leiedal - 6.121.959€ 3.362.466€ 258.925€
Call 3C (FA) Priority 1


3ST Speeding up Sustainability Skills in Tourism [FA] NV Economische Impuls Zeeland - 4.403.067€ 2.641.841€ 0€
Call 2B (SSP) Priority 1


SUSTAIN-3D SUpporting Sme TrAnsformation wIthiN 3Dp Business Viborg - 497.298€ 298.379€ 0€
Call 3B (SSP) Priority 1


GRIT Skills for a Green Industrial Transition Provincie Antwerpen - 499.972€ 299.983€ 0€
Call 4C (FA) Priority 1


OASIS Offshore Accelerator for System Integration and Storage [FA] Dutch Marine Energy Centre - 3.455.839€ 1.895.153€ 148.625€
Call 3C (FA) Priority 1


NESSIE NEw Skills & Spaces Impulse for the Education of aspirant energy-transition installers (3C) Stichting New Energy Coalition - 3.383.172€ 2.029.904€ 0€
Call 2C (FA) Priority 2


WaterWarmth WaterWarmth: Accelerating the transition towards sustainable heating and cooling based on collective surface water heat pump systems [FA] Provinsje Fryslân - 7.997.253€ 4.798.353€ 0€
Call 1C (FA) Priority 2


REDII Ports Renewable Energy Development and Intelligent Implementation in PORTS Skagen Havn - 6.871.620€ 3.672.972€ 375.000€
Call 2C (FA) Priority 2


LIHYP Linking hydrogen power potentials [FA] Stichting New Energy Coalition - 4.896.419€ 2.937.852€ 0€
Call 2C (FA) Priority 2


DIOL Develop Innovative Offshore Logistic - accommodating the needs from The Esbjerg Declaration Esbjerg Lufthavn - 7.304.450€ 4.382.670€ 0€
Call 2C (FA) Priority 2


GRITH Green Renewable Industrial Transition Hotspots Provincie Drenthe - 3.712.139€ 2.227.283€ 0€
Call 2C (FA) Priority 2


COPPER Cities for Open and Participative Planning for Electricity grid Resilience [FA] Stad Gent - 5.099.140€ 3.059.484€ 0€
Call 2C (FA) Priority 2


ANCHOR Anthropocene Nutrient and water Control for HOlistic resilience and Recovery (Copy) Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek - 4.302.108€ 2.581.265€ 0€
Call 1B (SSP) Priority 2


CIBIP Circular Business Innovation Program in the North Sea Region Drivhuset Göteborg - 487.802€ 261.181€ 26.250€
Call 3C (FA) Priority 2


CTB Demand trust for circular building materials [FA] (3C) Provincie Drenthe - 5.199.456€ 3.119.674€ 0€
Call 2C (FA) Priority 2


CEO Circular Economy Office Hamburg Institute for Innovation, Climate Protection and Circular Economy GmbH - 4.190.516€ 2.514.310€ 0€
Call 2B (SSP) Priority 2


GREEN Green Retail - towards a circular economy in the cross field between retail businesses, consumers and governance institutions Vejle Kommune - 499.999€ 299.999€ 0€
Call 3C (FA) Priority 2


BBoBB Building Based on BioBased [FA] (3C) Provincie Fryslân - 3.548.082€ 2.128.849€ 0€
Call 3C (FA) Priority 2


CLOSECYCLE TOWARDS TERRITORIAL BIOREFINERY NETWORKS: Closing cycles by products from residue-based bioresources on regional levels [FA] Technische Universität Hamburg - 5.819.203€ 3.491.522€ 0€
Call 3C (FA) Priority 2


MM Mobility Makers: Customising sustainable mobility mixes to fit users’ needs [FA] Intercommunale voor Ontwikkeling van het Gewest Mechelen en Omgeving - 6.229.245€ 3.737.547€ 0€
Call 2C (FA) Priority 2


InnoWaTr Innovative Waterway Transportation 2.0. Maritieme Academie Harlingen - part of DUNAMARE onderwijsgroep - 5.741.955€ 3.445.173€ 0€
Call 1C (FA) Priority 2


SN2 SHARE-North Squared Freie Hansestadt Bremen - 7.529.187€ 3.906.112€ 509.500€
Call 1C (FA) Priority 2


SMALL Shared Multimodal Mobility For ALL Mpact - 4.431.216€ 2.658.730€ 0€
Call 1C (FA) Priority 2


Active Cities Active mobility increased for sustainable zero-carbon urban multimodality, through human-centric planning, mobility hubs and behaviour change Gemeente Leeuwarden - 5.221.443€ 2.832.867€ 249.999€
Call 2C (FA) Priority 2


MoLo Hubs People-Centric Mobility & Logistics Hubs Logistik-Initiative Hamburg Management GmbH - 3.678.537€ 2.207.122€ 0€
Call 3C (FA) Priority 2


GREEN SUPPLY CHAINS Green Supply Chains – Building on synergies from greening strategies Hafen Hamburg Marketing e.V. - 3.660.300€ 2.196.180€ 0€
Call 2C (FA) Priority 2


MegaBITS Mobilizing Europe's Green Ambition through Bicycles and Intelligent Transport Systems [FA] Provincie Overijssel - 4.896.927€ 2.938.156€ 0€
Call 1C (FA) Priority 2


ShareDiMobiHub Shared and Digital Mobility Hubs Provincie Utrecht - 5.277.385€ 2.867.000€ 249.524€
Call 3C (FA) Priority 3


FIER Flooding, Infrastructure, Evacuation, Resilience [FA] Provincie Zeeland - 3.882.506€ 2.329.504€ 0€
Call 3C (FA) Priority 3


COOL CITIES Cooling Networks: Reducing Outdoor Heat Stress in Cities Gemeente Arnhem - 5.997.330€ 3.598.399€ 0€
Call 1C (FA) Priority 3


MANABAS COAST MAinstreaming NAture BAsed Solutions through COASTal systems Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat - 7.738.388€ 4.643.033€ 0€
Call 1C (FA) Priority 3


Blue Transition Blue Transition - How to make my region climate resilient Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik - 7.113.720€ 4.268.232€ 0€
Call 1B (SSP) Priority 3


KID Keep It Dark - Monitoring the Night Sky Brightness Rijksuniversiteit Groningen - 462.499€ 277.499€ 0€
Call 1C (FA) Priority 3


Anemoi Chemical emissions from offshore wind farms: assessing impacts, gaps and opportunities Eigen Vermogen van het Instituut voor Landbouw-, Visserij- en Voedingsonderzoek - 5.544.668€ 3.282.273€ 37.106€
Call 1C (FA) Priority 3


Biodiverse Cities Accelerating action for BIODIVERSity Enhancement in CITIES to benefit nature and people Gemeente Dordrecht - 5.689.743€ 3.323.395€ 75.375€
Call 2C (FA) Priority 3


TREASURE Targeting the reduction of plastic outflow into the North Sea [FA] Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg - 5.784.707€ 3.470.824€ 0€
Call 2C (FA) Priority 3


DivGrass Innovative biodiversity for climate resilient dairy grasslands in the North Sea Region [FA] Universität Vechta - 3.970.840€ 2.382.504€ 0€
Call 2C (FA) Priority 3


Clancy Improve habitat quality and climate-adaptivity of freshwater ecosystems through management of alien invasive aquatic invertebrates. Vlaamse milieumaatschappij - 4.679.614€ 2.807.768€ 0€
Call 2C (FA) Priority 3


DARKER SKY Reducing light pollution in the NSR contributing to biodiversity and dark ecological corridors Universite de Bretagne Occidentale - 4.216.620€ 2.529.972€ 0€
Call 2C (FA) Priority 3


REMARCO Remediation, Management, Monitoring and Cooperation addressing North Sea UXO Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung - 4.495.127€ 2.697.076€ 0€
Call 3C (FA) Priority 3


DEMASK Development and evaluation of noise management strategies to keep the North Sea healthy Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat - Rijkswaterstaat - 3.267.040€ 1.960.224€ 0€
Call 3C (FA) Priority 3


EXPBIO Expanding transnational capacities to strengthen plant biodiversity and restoration in the NSR Göteborgs botaniska trädgård - 4.537.735€ 2.722.641€ 0€
Call 1C (FA) Priority 4


FREIIA Facilitating Resilience Embracing Islands Innovation Approaches Provinsje Fryslân - 3.301.810€ 1.681.086€ 250.000€
Call 2C (FA) Priority 4


Norsaic Cooperation Governance for Next-Level Maritime Spatial Planning in the North Sea Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg - 2.679.386€ 1.607.631€ 0€
Call 3C (FA) Priority 4


GLEAM NSR Green logistics for a just net zero carbon economy in the North Sea Region [FA] Rijksuniversiteit Groningen - 2.915.387€ 1.749.234€ 0€
Call 3C (FA) Priority 4


Green Team Improved governance mechanisms for integrated and pro-active climate adaptation planning in public spaces [FA] Provincie Antwerpen - 2.678.832€ 1.607.299€ 0€
Call 3B (SSP) Priority 4


LISTEN “Listen to us”– how to improve children’s and young people’s participation in the development of the society in the North Sea region Länsstyrelsen Skåne - 380.800€ 228.480€ 0€
Call 3C (FA) Priority 4


NS H2V Ports North Sea Hydrogen Valley Ports [FA] New Energy Coalition - 1.598.171€ 958.903€ 0€
Call 2B (SSP) Priority 4


SELECT Supporting Electrification of Logistics fleets by analyzing demand for Energy and Charging needed for Transition Lindholmen Science Park AB - 457.454€ 274.473€ 0€
Call 3B (SSP) Priority 4


SPIES Shore Power In European Shipping Provinciale Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij (POM) Limburg - 498.820€ 299.292€ 0€
Call 3C (FA) Priority 4


Speak Up Speak Up [FA] Gemeente Groningen - 4.431.108€ 2.658.666€ 0€
Call 2B (SSP) Priority 4


EHRIN Excellent Hydrogen Regions in Europe Provincie Drenthe - 495.600€ 297.360€ 0€
Call 1B (SSP) Priority 4


BIOZE Biomass Skills for Net Zero Association d'Initiatives Locales pour l'Energie - 480.966€ 288.579€ 0€