Page banner Breadcrumb Home North Sea Legacy stories Green energy transitionBiodiversity and land useClimate resilienceDigital transformationNew marketsThriving communitiesGreen transportClean waterMain contentBrowse through our stories capturing project highlights and achievements. Discover new insights, tools and solutions. Green energy transition Image> Meet the new leaders of Europe's local energy systems Image> Shared visions, stronger winds: Boosting Europe's strategy for offshore wind energy Image> This is how we renovate 22 million homes in the North Sea RegionImage> Putting people at the heart of the green transition Biodiversity and land use Image> Boosting wild bees on farmlandsImage> Incentivising carbon farming Climate resilience Image> Learning to live with the floodsImage> How to reduce the cost of flood protectionImage> Blue-green cities tackle climate risksImage> A new approach to peatland ecosystemsImage> SalFar: Let's talk about saltImage> Answers to droughts, floods and groundwater protection Digital transformation Image> Createch: A driver of virtually everythingImage> Promoting a digital mindset in public service innovation New markets Image> CUPIDO aims at culture and rejuvenates rural areasImage> Helping SMEs expand overseasImage> Cities as drivers of green innovationImage> Navigating the future of skills and industriesImage> Matchmaking for CO2 savingsImage> Growing the healthcare economy Thriving communities Image>Time to care for the invisible caregiversImage> Fighting tick trouble on the riseImage> SMEs bring on the taste of local Green transport Image> Driving efficient and sustainable transport networksImage> V2G is plugging into the futureImage> Making combined mobility accessible in rural areasImage> On the way to zero emissions in maritime transport Clean water Image> Cracking down on hazardous chemicals